Working as a charity auctioneer in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington DC, Arizona, Colorado, California or just about anywhere, I hear once in a while that an event has too much going on to have time added for a live auctioneer at the charity auction gala. Truth be known, if you have award presentations, speeches, and a tedious silent auction, you might not have time for a long live auction, but it would be very poor judgment for a fundraiser to not at least add a brief, specialized 8-minute live auction.
A carefully structured brief, specialized auction is simpler than a standard live auction and would only include several highly desirable auction items. These are the kind of items that would make a dramatic amount of money in a short amount of time. The brief live auction would not interfere with your schedule and would sell the large income items only. Additionally, your guests that prefer to remain seated rather than walk around seeing and bidding on silent auction items would be able to participate in bidding and be entertained as well. I do many of these auctions every year so call me if you need more help preparing one.
In 8 minutes a professional benefit auctioneer like myself with only just 1-2 of your top items and a very short appeal after the live auction can add a great deal of excitement, entertainment, fun, and far more revenue than an entire silent auction table or raffle will ever provide. Remember, fundraising is the goal, and the more money your charity has, the more people you can help. So don’t throw away the best 8 minutes to raise the most money you may have ever made for your organization.
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